Sunday, May 17, 2009

6 weeks away!

This countdown is getting serious!  This weekend Jason and I picked up my wedding band and it is absolutely gorgeous!!  I can't even describe how cool it is to put that sparkly band on and think about what it will be like for Jason to put it on my hand on my wedding day!  Insane.  We also updated our registry, started a little craft project, and finalized a few details about the upcoming shower!

This morning Jason and I volunteered in the Waumba Land area at Buckhead Church in the two-year-olds room.  Wow those kids have energy.  Jason and I were both terrified going into it because they have so many rules about changing diapers and sanitizing and stuff, but it turned out okay.  We will go back for another apprenticing session before we commit, but we'll see.  Perhaps three's next time ... 

So on the docket this week, finishing school (wooooohooooo!), preparing for my cousin's wedding in Taylorsville, finalizing flowers, photography (a very exciting surprise perhaps?), and shower plans.  I've scheduled a bridal portrait June 1st with the fabulous Cheyenne, which I am totally stoked about, but then I realized that I had nothing for it except my dress!  I still haven't found any pink wedding shoes, but I think that I wouldn't want to wear them for my portrait anyways since we'll be outside at Granny's.  So I might wear one of the 3 pairs that I've already purchased that either doesn't fit right or is the wrong color just because I won't care so much to get them messed up.  But we'll see.

So onto the other details for my wedding day look.  I want a long veil for the church but they are ridiculously expensive so I am going to make one with the help of my grandma.  But I've wanted some sort of hair flower/feather to wear during the reception.  I've had this particular one bookmarked for many months and I finally ordered it today!  Eek!  

Don't laugh, I know it looks completely ridiculous but I think it might really work with my dress.  If not I can return it.  Its just so fun!

As for jewelry, my mom purchased a beautiful set for me for Christmas, but it just wasn't big enough for my wedding day.  My dress has little adornment so I need some serious bling in the jewelry.  I've had a hard time deciding and would love your input.

Check these out:

Option 1:  Vintage-style earrings from Anna Bellagio

This was my early favorite and one of my first bookmarked pages.  Plus, they are pretty similar to the ones Mom picked out but bigger.  This website actually has a store in Duluth which is about 45 minutes away.  I could drive out there sometime next week to see them in person, but I might just order them anyways.

Option #2 - Another vintage style from White Aisle

These are so pretty!  Very vintage.  Unfortunately I can't find many other pictures of these and you can't return them, but are affordable at $60.  I hope they are good quality.  White Aisle has some beautiful jewelry at really good prices.

Option 3:  Super-shiny from Emitations

Sorry, this was the best picture I could get.  Check the link for more pics.  These are ridiculously sparkly but might be a little ovet the top.  Also the most expensive option.

Option 4:  Crystal Drop earrings from 1928

Probably the smallest of the options, but this just looks really elegant.  I love the swirl at the top but I don't know if it will be enough.  Beautiful and very affordable at $32!  They have some very pretty and affordable stuff on their website as well.

Which one do you like the best?????
Leave a comment with your preference, Option #1, #2, #3, or #4!!  


  1. I love the flower for the hair, so pretty and fun, i would totally do it! As for the earrings, i say option #2 is my fav! =)

  2. I'm going to agree with Nessa and go with #2! #1 is a close second though

  3. I like number 1 but number 2 is my second.

  4. The flowered feathered thing for your hair is not AT ALL ridiculous - I LOVE IT. I do hope it works for dress. :)

    And I'm a fan of #2 for earrings. :)
