Monday, May 18, 2009

And the winner is ... (and pink shoes!)

Number 2!!!

I just loved them too! I was torn between earrings one and two, but I decided to go ahead and order #2! Paypal makes it way too easy to order things online ...

In other news, I think I may have found some pink wedding shoes! I have been looking for months now and just haven't found what I was looking for. Well that's not totally true - I have found several pairs that I like but they are either unavailable because they were last season or they are way too expensive.

For example:

The elusive JuliaRae's .... unavailable. But I am scouring ebay.source

Another cute pair of Nine West's ... but also from last year.

The perfect Kate Spade's ... but they are $300.source

The even more ridiculous Christian Louboutins at $700 (or $150 for the knockoff)

And so I keep searching. But today I found these ....

They were only $50 and I really like them! I ordered them and hopefully they will fit and be super cute when they come. I WILL find the perfect pink shoes!


  1. I wonder if the JuliaRae's are dyable... bc you can find them in white still!

    Have you checked these for pink shoes...

  2. Oh I have looked everywhere!! I mean there are more pink shoes out there, but I usually don't like them. I don't want anything patent. I have two pairs of the "light gray" Juliarae's, thinking I might dye them, but I haven't tried to do so yet. I have heard very mixed reviews of dyeing shoes, especially if they weren't meant to be dyeable. It might be worth it to try though!
